Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Buk for Sunday?

Tonight's pitching preformance by Brett Bukvich (0 runs, 2 hits, 6 k) has left this blogger and the rest of the Rebel Nation wondering, "Why isn't Brett Bukvich a weekend starter?" Yes, I'm kidding.

Anyway, I really have decided that we should give Brett a look on Sundays. He couldn't be any worse than Barrett, and the Left, Right, Left weekend rotation would be kind of cool.

The whole deal that started this debate was the 3-0 Rebel victory that was acheived by signature Bianco style of play: pitching and defense. Buk only allowed two hits in six innings, and Barbeck and Goforth combined in three innings only allowed one hit. Goforth struck out the side in the ninth.

Believe it or not, the same team that struggled in Mobile and at home with TCU is now on a six game win streak heading into the weekend stint with Vandy in Nashville. One Man to Beat will no doubt have a weekend preview for you, and I will provide you with game recaps.

By using the comments function, let the debate begin on who should be our Sunday starter. I vote Bukvich for now (let your commenting occur in a vacuum, meaning do not take into account that the six innings pitched by Buk tonight hindering him from starting on Sunday).


Anonymous said...

I would like to comment on a completely different subject- Will there be any live bloggin' tomorrow during the Tournament?

Anonymous said...

I will un-hi-jack this thread...when Buk's delivery is different depending on the pitch, he's badass, like tonight. The games I've been frustrated with Buk are ones where his fastball, curve and slider all start outside and have the same 3/4 bend across the plate. He gets rocked then.

The minute Mike B puts him in on Sunday, he'll be serving it up all tilted-hat like.

Juco All-American said...

I have this crazy thing called work today.

Since Ghost and I are the only ones who actually know how to liveblog, I'm guessing probably not.

I guess we'll just have to see. Maybe I won't have much work to do today.

Anonymous said...

Keep Bukvich as a mid week guy until Barrett proves himself, something I don't believe he's done yet. I think the L-R-L rotation could be pretty sweet though.

This weekend should be interesting- the weather isn't supposed to be much better than it was for TCU... I'm hoping for better results. 2 out of 3 would be awesome.