Sunday, January 18, 2009

Loss of Consortium

Ok. I'm getting sick of hearing people talk about how Andy Kennedy's wife, Kimber, filed a lawsuit against a cab driver because "now Andy can't get it up. LOLLZZ."

That's just not true. Loss of consortium does not mean erectile dysfunction. It could be as simple as he has his mind in other places or just feels distracted. Loss of consortium is defined as "a term used in the law of torts that refers to the deprivation of the benefits of a family relationship due to injuries caused by a tortfeasor."

For those of you who are unable to understand that simple definition, what it's saying is that Kimber's claim of loss of consortium could mean Andy is just too distracted and stressed out to undertake the duties of a father and husband. Now, it certainly has been used with regard to sexual problems, and rightfully so. There's a ton of case law out there to support that. I guess I'm just saying that loss of consortium could also be a lot of other things. Maybe it's that he's having trouble dealing with emotions with his family or that he's too distracted to want to listen to his family members' issues that arise on a day to day basis.

I think it's a little funny to joke about him sexually, but can everyone just get it through their heads that Andy Kennedy isn't permanently "limp-dicked" and may not be "limp-dicked" at all.


Anonymous said...

By the way his team is playing, I think it's safe to say in this case, "loss of consortium" means AK can't get it up.

Anonymous said...

lawyer gobble-t-gook. the lawsuit was a bad idea to start with, and her added claim for "our sex is damaged" [no matter how you term it, that what the claim is] has brought ridicule, deserved, to AK, his wife, and undeserved, to UM. just. not. funny.

Bob said...

We're not saying we're down with the suit or anything. We're just saying that, oftentimes, there's more to it than "so-and-so can't get a boner."

You TOOL said...

I can't stop laughing about how Kennedy beats the shit out of a cabbie; then HE needs to get his lawyer to sue because he can't get it up.

His defense is so trying to bully the "little guy" and the valet witness that whatever sitting judge gets this case will see to it that Kennedy loses.

I wonder if Old Miss is going to use the Tubbs or Fulmer excuse when they let Kennedy go.

To me it doesn't matter what Oxford uses for an excuse to get rid of him; what does matter is that Old Miss looks really bad. And that equals funny times for those of us that enjoy busting balls.

Go Weebals!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and you're real good at busting balls. "Old Miss" "Weebals!"

You really know how to push our buttons.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, but c'mon guys. Did y'all have a change of heart over the weekend?

The Red Cup Admin said...

Patridge, what are you talking about? What suggests a change of heart?

First, the posts were written by two separate people. Second, one was a satirical way of presenting the story as it has been told while the other was simply an explanation of the definition of "Loss of Consortium."

Anonymous said...

Ok. I'm getting sick of hearing people talk about how Andy Kennedy's wife, Kimber, filed a lawsuit against a cab driver because "now Andy can't get it up. LOLLZZ."

In this quote y'all are sick of it and then in y'alls fake discussion between him and his wife y'all have this

KK: Andy, c'mon, what's going on!?

AK: I'm sorry babe, it just won't go. It's not working right now I guess.

KK: What the fuck, Andy?

AK: I'm sorry, Kimberly! I'm sorry! I just don't know what's going on? I guess there's just too much on my mind right now, alright?!

It sounds like y'all are fueling the fire that has Juco upset.

Juco All-American said...

A quote from my post...

"I think it's a little funny to joke about him sexually, but can everyone just get it through their heads that Andy Kennedy isn't permanently "limp-dicked" and may not be "limp-dicked" at all."

Jokes are funny. Not understanding that he probably doesn't need Viagra is not.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Kennedy just needs to visit Dale and he'll take care of this little problem. He'll jump on anything that doesn't have the aged leather feel of lady Di.

Beck said...

Lady Di jokes!!!


Hold on...

It's just, he used the ...


Lady Di joke!!! Hoooooooo...

ZING! Right? ZING!

Ok. Gotta calm down.

Man, I don't know about you guys, but I'm a sucker for a good Lady Di joke. So topical. So appropriate. So... timely.

Bob said...

Patridge or RebelChuck or whatever it is you go by, do I need to point this out to you again:

"First, the posts were written by two separate people."

There are a few of us here who write for the cup and we all have different opinions, tastes, et cetera. These things happen.

You TOOL said...

You want Lady Di jokes?

Q: What was the last thing to go through Lady Di's mind at the accident?

A: Her asshole.

You got to love that one.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the explanation for those of us who are not so legally savy.. and I hear what you are saying..but the lawsuit does nothing for UM...except add embarrasment....what could they be thinking???

Anonymous said...

I got ya Ghost. It just stuck out to me. Awesome site. Keep it coming.

Anonymous said...

Now let's do one about Houston and Diana Nutt. We wouldn't want them to feel left out.