Thursday, January 29, 2009

Recruiting Winds Down

It's almost over. Praise God/Allah/Yaweh.

Dr. Saturday has some compelling evidence that recruiting rankings are a load of shit while, at the same time, not a load of shit. The two part series (who knows, maybe a 3rd is around the corner) can be found here and here. There really are two camps with regards to these reruiting rankings: the "it's bullshit" clan and the "it's the word of Rivals for the people of Rivals" clan.

Clan number 1 says "look at Notre Dame vs. Utah's recruiting rankings" or "look at the Brent Schaeffers of the world." Clan 2 says "look at USC, Texas, or LSU's recruiting rankings while telling me that Tim Tebow's 5 stars were a crock of crap."

Funny thing is, they're both right. That's what you get with inconsistency. You'll get right and wrong. You'll get good and bad. Rarely one can't exist alongside the other but, as any college football fan can tell you, sense and logic take a backseat to drama when recruiting season is on.

We've got an upcoming TLV piece and we may write it on this newfangled recruiting drama and obsession. It's been on our minds lately but the stress of "secret commits," "insider sources," and "employment" have kept us from blogging it.

The dead period begins on Sunday. This, as we all know, won't put an end to the recruiting talk, but it sure as hell will give us an excuse to ignore it.

"Hey, hey, Ghost, did you hear about Bobbie Massie and my secret source and..."

"Shhhh. Damn. Go away. Shit's on TV right now."

That's all you'll get outta me* until signing day.

One last thing: I'm sure you've all seen this, but Rivals has a good piece on Houston Nutt's recruiting. It's fairly well written but (for obvious reasons), quite vague. The most redeeming quality of the work is, by far, this very rare occurrence of the "Hellfire and Brimstone" version of the Right Reverend.
Repent for your fumbles!

*Me as in The Ghost of Jay Cutler. I can't deal with this crap anymore thanks to Da Coach O. Juco All-American is 'bout-it 'bout-it though, he'll likely fill y'all in.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't that link to Nutt's little recruiting story just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?
He da man ya'll.


It ain't crap bro, it's real.

The Red Cup Admin said...

What's not crap? What did Ghost say was "crap?" Recruiting rankings? I'm pretty sure that he's resigned to the fact that recruiting rankings are like darts. Sometimes you're dead on and sometimes you're way off. If you couldn't glean that from the piece then you should read it a few more times.

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm sorry, RSCA.
I thought Ghost was using that analogy to decribe how he felt about the recruiting issue as a whole. (since Orgeron burned him out so bad)
What I was specifically refering to as "crap" in my statement, was how "Nuttball" always seems to attract these goofy fucking stories to himself, over and over again. (gigidy, gigidy, or what ever the fuck)
What was the word Ghost used for the writing of this story? Vague?
Maybe it's just not as vague to me as it is to people who aren't as familiar with that kind of writing about their HC.
Ever stop to think that you guys just possibly might not be as savvy to this kind of propaganda as I am, at least when it comes to that nitwit you hail as the Reverend.

Anonymous said...

If you guys are really interested in a link you can hang your hats on, try going to - Recruiting.
If you scroll down just a wee bit, you'll see a picture of Ronnie Wingo Jr.
Beside him, you'll see the link that reads: Top recruiting suprises and disappointments.
After you click on that link, you'll see Arkansas and Ole Miss listed in two different catagories.

This is just the beginning of what your going to see with this guy for the next few years. Enjoy, I know I will.

Anonymous said...

The last 6 years of recruiting rankings for Houston Nutt. (Scout recruiting service)

2007 - 34
2006 - 30
2005 - 32
2004 - 27
2003 - 23
2002 - 24

The 2008 class isn't included. (#24 ranking) Petrino came into the picture last Dec., with just a few weeks left before NSD.
He was able to convince roughly about 95% of this class (commits)to stay on board with the Hogs, while convincing Joe Adams (4-star WR,CB recuit from Little Rock) to not stay commited with USC, and recommit with Arkansas.

Also, Ryan Mallett (5-star QB recruit, who transfered from Michigan) and Broderick Green (4-star RB recruit, who transfered from USC) came back to their home state to develope under real offensive coaching.
Neither one of these kids, along with Adams, would have chosen the UofA with Nutt still in place as HC.

We were stuck in a trend of losing our top in-state recruits on a yearly basis. THEY DID NOT WANT TO PLAY FOR HOUSTON NUTT.
According to an article on, that trend has resurfaced at Ole Miss.

You can spin those last two posts any way you want. Facts are facts.