Friday, March 6, 2009

Bram ten Berge Is So Tough Right Now

Senior Rebel Netter Bram ten Berge is no slouch, academically. A classics major and member of Phi Beta Kappa, he is, basically, the "model" - it's funny because he looks like Nordic scientiests genetically engineered him based on a picture they saw in an Abercrombie & Fitch catalogue - of a scholar-athlete.

He put his smarts to use yesterday in the latest contribution to REBELOG, a look inside the life of Ole Miss student athletes that, except for when penned by ten Berge or Jason Cook, is pretty much the definition of daytime firework. What is Bramey blogging about? The Rebels big weekend hosting Georgia and Tennessee, of course.

The best part, though, is how ten Berge attempts to introduce soon-to-be-fans to, perhaps, the best thing about the men's tennis team - its utilization of cheesy nicknames:

Fellow senior All-American Jonas “the Ice” Berg (or Jompa for the insiders) and I “10-B”, started the year as the No. 1 ranked doubles tandem in the nation.
In addition to [Devin] Britton, the Rebs can count on 52nd-ranked junior Kalle Norberg or “Fresh” and freshman Otto “Otto-matic” Sauer, former top-ranked junior players in Sweden. The rock-solid German twins Chris “Hansi” Thiemann and Marcel “Fritzy” Thiemann, and last, but not least, Tucker “the Dragon” Vorster, round out the talented squad.

Get in on the inside jokes this afternoon. Doubles matches kick off at 2:00 at the Palmer-Salloum Tennis Center. I am guessing we will see Berg/ten Berge at #1 doubles, Britton/Voster at #2, and Norberg/Sauer at #3. As far as singles go, I expect to see Jonas Berg, Devin Britton, Bram ten Berge, Kalle Norberg, Marcel Thiemann, and Otto Sauer in that order.


Anonymous said...

"A classics major and member of Phi Beta Kappa, he is, basically, the "model" - it's funny because he looks like Nordic scientiests genetically engineered him based on a picture they saw in an Abercrombie & Fitch catalogue - of a scholar-athlete."

That looks like a scorching case of mancrush. Unless Ivory Tower, is y'know, a chick.

Bob said...

I've had a class with Bram and he really is nobody's fool. He's also a nice guy, for whatever that may be worth.

Anonymous said...

I had a music class with him in 2004/2005. He was a nice guy. He sat in the front row every day. I think he was one of the only people who actually read the assigned reading material before he came to class. Is that how you make good grades?

The One That Got Away said...

We wouldn't know.

Whiskey Wednesday said...

Wait, they're grading these classes? Uh Oh...

Anonymous said...

This guy is attractive?

I'm sorry but if I'm going to have a man-crush (and every guy does, let's be honest) it's going to be on somebody who doesn't have a widow's peak sharp enough to poke everyone's eye out within a 10 foot radius of them.